Monday, August 20, 2012


It is actually more awkward & messy than I expected to start a blog so long after close family and friends have started blogging. Mature, 401k concerned, focused well adult age blogs. I am not familiar with how to change template, add pictures & music or really do anything snazzy and cool. Elementary is the stage I am.You might say I am freshly squeezed frothy grape juice and they are vintage Cabernet Sauvignons.  At least for a little while, until I get my oakey barrel together and then I too shall "bloggily" age. With that age will most likely come better words than "bloggily", just a heads up.

With that, a word about all future words to come. I titled this lovely online space "Up On The Roof" (Yes, completely referencing James Taylor) because what I want to do here is about what I do on roofs of houses I lived in. If you never climbed out your childhood home window or scampered up your grandparents' woodpile onto the wooden shingles, this may not make sense. The view is straight and long, the breeze cool and everything is below you. Its a thinking & finding place. I'd make decisions about my life, plans for after, and imagine all sorts of beautiful things. I would listen to my music occasionally or bring my latest paperback and be all myself and nothing unhappy could find me. 

So expect that this blog shall be full of all my favorite things, (music & books included), the many hobbies & places that make me happy, and my views on whatever I come across. I'm quite excited to share the music I find, the quirky mistakes only I make & fascinating topics I just can't resist.

But keep in mind. Still grape juice. Farewell!
P.S.(I have no clue how to follow people, add gadgets, or even change my background to something more personal. But I'll figure it out! I'll have a cool looking blog eventually. Work in progress. Any help would be great.)